Top 6 Free VPS

Rendy wijaya
1 min readOct 15, 2021

Hello Common Folks thanks for reading my medium, i like to wrote i hope you like it, okay we began TOP 5 free VPS, so before we begin, lets say bismillah, Bismillahirrahmanirrahim okay next i’ll Recomend you free vps im using for research, From good — to the best

  1. Huawaei Cloud
  2. Alibaba
  3. Digital Ocean
  4. Microsoft Azure
  5. Google Cloud
  6. Amazon Web Service

Okay thats all, why aws, im not aws salesperson, but aws give you great offering and experiene although its free, you can use windows and other kind of linux distro like rhel, etc and free just 1$-2$ just for credit card confirmation, in first huawei, im sorry im not using, its rather difficult to sign up but they offering some kind of learning for vps, and there is people who use it, and its also free so i put up in list okay thats, common folks, dont get me wrong for such lousy writing content, this is just my diary, unless i make it public


